Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Quotes by Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin

"Tell me and I forget. Tech me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." 

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning."

"An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

"Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants."
"Wine is constant proof that god loves us and loves to see us happy." 
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." 
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." 
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." 
"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find your better man."


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